アフガニスタンで女性の教育を推進してきたサケナ・ヤコ―ビ博士(Sakena Yacoobi)から17日、支援を求めるメールが届いた。同博士とはウィーンで開催された世界平和女性連合の会議で知り合った。それ以降、同博士から定期的に活動報告などのメールが届いた。博士は女性たちに教育の場を提供するために「Afghan Institut of Leraning」(AIL)という名称の非政府機関(NGO)の責任者だ。









 私たちは岐路に立つ国ですが、AILはAILが常に行ってきたことを行い続けます。私たちは、子供と女性のための安全な空間を提供し、教育し続けます。私たちは、施設にとどまることができる限り、食事と職業訓練および医療を提供し続けます。それらの建物に留まることができなくなったら、新しい建物を見つけて、そこから作業します。現在学校がある所ならどこでも、来週、来月、来年になってもそれは変わらないです。 AILは秘密裏に開始されました。必要に応じて今後も秘密裏に継続されます。私たちは恐れていますが、敗北することはありません。私たちの使命は変わりません。最悪の事態が到来した今、私たちはすべての州に学校を設立します。私たちは何を期待するかを知っています。私たちはタリバンをよく知っています。彼らがどのように機能するか、または彼らが何を期待するかについては疑問の余地はありません。私たちはそれらを管理する方法を知っています。そうします。

 今週末、多くの手紙が届き、電話が次々と鳴ります。そして「あなたをどのように手助けできるか」と尋ねてきました。人道支援が必要です。難民の状況は悪化しているだけです。私たちには30万人の国内難民と8万人の子供たちが避難所や食料を持っていません。物資が不足しています、援助機関はアメリカ人と一緒に去りました。 AILは去らないので、戦闘で家を含むすべてを失った人々を助けるために施設を拡張します。粉ミルク、衣類、学用品、薬、衛生用品が必要ですが、新型コロナウイルスはまだ存在しているため、石鹸と消毒剤が重要です。あなたの多くはあなたが他に何ができるかを尋ねました。そして、それに対して私は国連と政府当局者に連絡して、彼らが外交手段を通して私たちの女性と少女を保護するために持っているすべての可能なツールを使って欲しいと彼らに言います。私の国への侵略に対してパキスタンを制裁し、私の国民の安全を祈ってください。私たちの民主主義は今のところ後退しているかもしれません。しかし、理想はそれほど簡単に消えることはありません。風のささやきを殺すことはできません。タリバンは夢をつぶすことはできません。思ったより時間がかかっても私たちは勝ちます。

Dr. Sakena Yacoobi   

 Dear, Friends, Supporters, and Colleagues,

This is one of the most difficult letters I have ever written. After twenty years, our government collapsed with almost no resistance. The constitution we worked so hard for, the rights our women sacrificed so much to gain, thrown out the window like scraps for the dogs. Our military and the Ghani government fled, leaving our women and children to face the Taliban with no support. The world watched it happen, without care. We begged, screaming for help. So, now we see peace is again made on the back of women and children. It is what it is. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has fallen, and Kabul is in complete chaos. My office and staff are unharmed, for which we thank God.

The nation of Afghanistan is in turmoil. My schools still stand, as of now, we have been instructed that we can continue as long as we separate boys and girls. The day the Taliban took Kandahar, they planted their flags in the courtyard of three of them. My schools must be important, as they visited the very first day the Taliban took control. Our Women Learning Centers remain open as they primarily serve women. As of now, my staff is unharmed. We hope and pray this remains true. We have been told that Radio and TV Meraj are not to operate until we are given notice, we will wait for that instruction. We hope and pray that the Taliban wasn’t lying when they told the world they did not intend to shut the schools, but our universities have already shut their doors to women and told them to go home. Burqa sales have tripled, as have the prices to purchase them. Women who lived through the Taliban before, go now to purchase these garments, while the daughters raised under the American occupation throw them in the faces of their mothers, refusing to wear them.

We are a nation at a crossroads, but AIL will do what AIL has always done. We will continue to educate and provide a safe space for children and women. We will continue to offer food and job training and medical care for as long as we can remain in our facilities. When it is no longer possible to remain in those buildings, we will find new buildings, and work from there. Wherever we have schools now, we will have schools next week or next month or next year. AIL was started in secret and it will continue in secret if it must. While we are afraid, we are not defeated. Our mission remains the same. We will set up schools in every province, now that the worst has come. We know what to expect. We know the Taliban very well. There is no question of how they operate, or what they expect. We know how to manage them. We will do so.

Letter after letter, phone call after phone call, came in this weekend asking how you can help. We need humanitarian supplies. The refugee situation we updated you with last week and the week before has only deteriorated. We have 300,000 internal refugees and 80,000 children who are without shelter and food. Where we were short of supplies, now we are out. Those in need are overwhelming us. Aid agencies have left with the American’s. AIL will not be leaving, so we will expand our facilities to help those who lost everything, including their homes, in the fighting. We need dry milk, clothes, school supplies, medicine, hygiene items, and Covid is still present, so soap and sanitizers are critical. Many of you have asked what else you can do, and to that I say contact the UN and government officials and tell them you want them to use every possible tool they have to protect our women and girls through diplomatic means. Sanction Pakistan for their invasion of my country, and pray for the safety of my people.

Our democracy may have fallen for now. Ideas do not disappear so easily. One cannot kill whispers on the wind. The Taliban cannot crush a dream. We will prev AIL, even if it takes longer than we wanted it too.

Much love to you all,

Dr. Sakena Yacoobi